What is Bigfoot?

Wednesday, November 87:00—8:00 PMCommunity Room Weston Public Library87 School Street, Weston, MA, 02493

The legend of Bigfoot - a bipedal, hairy, ape-like creature - first cropped up during the late 1800's and the mystery has since been fueled by grainy photos, disputed footprints and anecdotal encounters, though there is no hard evidence that Bigfoot exists. *

Join Ronny LeBlanc for an evening to discuss his experiences with Bigfoot in the Bay State and abroad and he will highlight the little-known connection to UFO's.

*Corryn Wetzel for NewScientist, January 28, 2023

Ronny LeBlanc, local author of Monsterland: Encounters with UFO's, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs and star of the hit television series Expedition Bigfoot on the Discovery Channel, and paranormal caught on camera on the Travel Channel. All ages welcome.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. 

No Registration Required