September Artist: Steven Edson: The Art of The Automobile

Tuesday, September 5—Saturday, September 30All DayArt GalleryWeston Public Library87 School Street, Weston, MA, 02493

Artist Statement: Steven Edson: The Art of The Automobile

As a photographer, I attempt to describe moments in transition, while observing the complexity and vastness of the land, people, and objects within constantly changing conditions. For these brief moments, time stands still.

Form and function welded, bolted, and stitched together for speed, comfort, performance, and safety. My car photography illustrates the exquisite precision of bent metal and chrome to conform to a designer's vision for the efficiencies of aerodynamics combined with the beauty of timeless style. Within this series, I use the camera to highlight and celebrate the industrial precision of car design, both in its abstraction and the transformation cars undergo in different lighting and environmental atmospheric conditions.

Cars are a catalyst for many people’s earliest memories: from romantic dinner dates to the store and day trips across the region or cross-country adventures. Vehicles are used for pleasure and commercial entities, and, for some, the sheer thrill and enjoyment combined with the skills of racing to be the first to cross the finish line in the shortest amount of time.

All vintages are represented in my work, starting from 1885 to the Model T and antique cars from the turn of the century to the vintage era of the 1920s thru mid-century cars of the 1930s to 1950s and on to hot rods, muscle cars, and current late models, including performance luxury vehicles and race cars.

Instagram: #edsonphotoart

photo caption: "1951 Mercury Sports Sedan," archival pigment print photograph, 32x24”

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