March Art Exhibit: Our Disappearing Planet
Wednesday, March 1—Friday, March 31All DayArt GalleryWeston Public Library87 School Street, Weston, MA, 02493
Chloe Chao
The role of art in the environmental movement is often overlooked, yet it has the power to evoke strong visceral reactions from people across our planet, and, in doing so, to lead to a revolution in thought and action. There is an environmental problem that affects all living organisms and the earth itself, plastics, on both a colossal and microscopic scale. I try to portray the immense scale of plastic pollution, by depicting scenes such as albatross birds suffering from consumed plastics, people held hostage by the plastics that have infiltrated our daily lives, and microplastics as magnified under a microscope. Furthermore, many of the frames I use now have a fragmented colored plastic motif. Thus, my artistic explorations have shifted from being not only my subject matter but also my medium.
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